True Freedom!

Where the spirit of the Lord, there is freedom! 2nd Corinthians 3:17

 When I was about 13 years old, we had a horrifying experience that was the most definitive attack of the enemy we had ever experienced.   It was about 3am when my mom, my sister and I were all fast asleep.  Then suddenly, the alarm starting ringing out to 11, awaking all of us as we ran out to see what was happening, we heard a sound from the kitchen that sounded like a gunshot.  Our worst imaginations gripped us as we ran into my mom’s bathroom, kickoff out the window cover, ran over to our neighbors and called the police. 

To give you some back story, my dad has passed away about 5 years earlier. From that time, my family was gripped by fear in many ways. However, through spending time in the presence of God, we began to overcome this fear. It all came to a head on this night when my mom stood in a prayer meeting and received a peace that was the answer to so many prayers. We found the freedom of God as we worshiped him. At that moment, the devil had lost the battle. However he wasn’t done fighting. For it was that very night, that the alarm rang out sending us out it to the night in our underwear.   As the cops arrived, we found out that by a serious of “random coincidences, our alarm sensor had been triggered just moments before the plastic florescent lighting cover that was suspended 10 feet above our linoleum-tiled kitchen floor shook loose and fell to the ground; imitating the sound of a gunshot in the imagination of some very shaken sleepers.   

While I look back at this now laughing at it, I can also see that this was definitely a strike-back attack from the devil who wanted to maintain a definitive hold of fear over our family. However, after we found out what had happened, we weren’t about to let the devil win. This, and several other similar instances, had propelled us into a passionate pursuit of the presence of God in our lives. We had experienced his freedom and we weren’t about to Go back!  

The greek word for “Freedom” that is used in 2nd Corintians 3:17 is eleutheria. This word means what you think it means, “liberty, freedom, especially; a state of slavery.”  This is the same word that is used in Galations 5:1 which says: 

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." 

This reminds me of the lyrics to one of my favorite songs: I’m no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God.  
You split the sea so I could walk right through it. My fears are drown in perfect love
You rescued me so I could stand and see
I am a child of God.  ("No longer slaves" by Bethel Worship) 

God made a way for us to find freedom from every sickness, fear, lack or attack from the enemy.  And when we worship Him with everything that we have, not only does it set our hearts in a proper place before Him (giving glory where it is ultimately due) but it allows the Spirit of the living God (the same Spirit that empowered Jesus throughout His supernatural ministry and ultimately raised Christ from the dead as the ultimate act of supernatural triumph over the grave) to move in our midst and bring true freedom and liberty! . And as we worship Him, He supernaturally manifests Himself and brings breakthrough. He makes miracles happen!!  

This is the ultimate connection with the Father!  He said in Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and you will find me if you seek me with all of your heart.” This is the amazing grace of our God.  He shows us mercy and grace, stirring within us the hope of eternity. But then He pursues a relationship with us. He’s not hiding himself from us.  He has not wandered off or taken a bathroom break. He promised in His word, that He would never leave us nor forsake us.  He is with us and is stilling making miracles happen!   

My family found freedom in the presence of God and we weren’t about to let it go.   And no matter what circumstance you find your self in, the answer is found in the presence of your Abba Father, your loving creator, the Spirit of the living God!! Spend time with Him! Find freedom today!  


The Story So Far


The Love of God